Make sure you have your affairs in order by creating a Will

When you have a Will created professionally by our team who are careful to fully understand your testamentary wishes and know how to implement those wishes, you ensure that your property can be distributed according to your will and that the management of your estate can be straightforward for your executor.

Why it pays to have in place Guardianship and Power of Attorney documents

What happens if you are involved in a serious accident or become ill and are no longer able to make decisions for yourself in relation to health, lifestyle and finances? Executing a Guardianship and Power of Attorney document with the assistance of our legal team establishes both your wishes and whom you would like to make decisions on your behalf.

What if I want to challenge the Will of a friend or relative?

Being left out of a will can be a stressful experience. Our Estate Law team can support you through the process by exploring your options with you including investigating your prospects of success through the mediums of negotiation, mediation and/or going to court. For more information please register for a free trial and select Estate Law matter.

For more more information on estate planing, Wills, Powers of Attorney, Guardianships or for legal advice then please contact us at Divorce and Estate Lawyers on 02 8379 1885.